Tennis Court Construction Testimonials
Welch Tennis is very proud to share testimonials from folks who recently worked with Welch Tennis' crews and inside staff on tennis court construction projects.
"We at DiVosta Building Corp would like to express our appreciation for the relationship we have developed between Welch Tennis and DiVosta Building Corp during construction of two DiVosta VillageWalk tennis facilities, in Sarasota and Wellington Florida. We enjoyed working with the Welch Tennis team and we are very proud of the National Award we received for our Sarasota tennis facility, (we hope to be recognized for our Wellington courts as well). The quality of the courts and the timeliness of their construction gives credit to Welch Tennis as their builders."
David - DiVosta, Special Projects Team, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
"Before the snow begins to settle on our new Chautauqua Tennis Center, I wanted to take a moment to express our thanks to you and your entire organization for a job well done. From the earliest days of planning for this project we knew it was critical to us to have an experienced court builder in whom we could place our trust. From the time we first met with you and our general contractor, to the last finishing touches of construction, you validated that trust. Your expertise, your cooperative and problem-solving spirit, your attention to detail and your obvious personal pride in your work delivered a product that exceeded our expectations."
Jack - Chautauqua Institution, Recreation and Youth Services, Chautauqua, New York
"We've enjoyed working with Welch on this project and would highly recommend them to others considering tennis court installation. Each and every person on the Welch team has been professional, courteous, thorough, and experts in their respective aspects of the business."
Suzanne - Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club, LLC Cape Coral, Florida
"When your crew arrived to start construction in the fall, my confidence in your company continued to rise. I watched as you transformed the old courts into what has to be some of the best courts in the Chicago-Metro area or even perhaps in the Midwest. Again, I asked questions until I felt I understood every aspect of the project as the courts were being built. Your crew was very patient with me and made me feel very comfortable about the operation of the courts and the maintenance that I would become responsible for. The courts have surpassed even my highest expectations. Your crew, as they were building the courts, would tell me what I should expect and without exception it is exactly as good as they said it would be - or better. We are playing within 30 minutes after heavy downpours that would have shut us down for several hours in the past. The courts stay green and moist even on our hottest and driest days. Simply put, the courts are amazing. Most importantly, everyone here loves them. My court labor has been cut in half. We are not closing courts for up to two hours to water in prime playing times of the day, and we are returning to play shortly after rainfalls. As Club Manager, I have a real comfort zone with Welch tennis. It has been a great experience from the start to the finish of the construction and as we continue through the year."
Dale - Club Manager, River Forest Tennis Club, River Forest, Illinois
"Once again you and your staff have done a fine job for the Polk County Parks and Recreation Division."
John - Project Coordinator, Polk County Board of County Commissioners, Bartow, Florida
"The patrons at the Arthur I Snyder Tennis Center are so pleased with the twelve new HydroGrid courts that your company installed. The courts always look great, maintain consistency and drain properly. They can play on the courts safely only a short time after it rains. The city was very pleased with the manner in which the construction was handled. There were no delays and no change orders. Your employees were a pleasure to deal with. We wish all our contractors were like that! The new courts along with the other renovations have breathed new life into the facility. I even started playing tennis again! I wish Welch Tennis great success because your company delivers what you promise in both budget and time schedules"
Harriet - Director Parks and Recreation Department, City of North Miami Beach, Florida
"Thank you is barely adequate. Our HydroGrid courts are two years old, yet look and play better than ever. The comments from our players range from gratefulness to awesome. The Winter Park Tennis Center is open 363 days a year. The courts are irrigated at night only. Play is continuous and interestingly fits perfectly with the condition of the courts. The seasoned recreational player gets a truly soft surface in the morning. Our hard core, fast movers get the full slide capability in the afternoon. And then the evening competitive players get a bit of both. The HydroGrid courts allow us to tailor the surface to the player's needs. The subsurface irrigation is the key that allows an excellent balance of firmness and flexibility."
Neal - Manager, Winter Park Tennis Center, Winter Park, Florida
"The courts are in excellent condition and we are receiving plenty of compliments on how well they play. I have taught and hit on most of the courts now and I am very pleased with the consistency. Looking back at the construction process, we were very pleased with the court and light design and implementation. Your company and personnel were very thorough and professional. You are to be commended for finishing the courts and your segment of the project on time. In closing, please accept this as a letter of reference and recommendation from the Pelham Racquet Club."
Ann - Director, Pelham Racquet Club, Pelham, Alabama
"It doesn't seem like it but it has been a year and a half since we opened the Largo Tennis Center. Our patrons love the playability of the courts and our staff is so pleased with the manner in which the courts can be maintained." Cathy - Director, City of Largo, Recreation, Parks and Arts Department, Largo, Florida
"The entire contract was handled most professionally and our championship courts are now of such quality that our tennis program has literally exploded. There is considerably more interest from our members than ever before."
Anthony - General Manager, Kelly Greens Golf & Country Club, Fort Myers, Florida
"Thank you again for the professionalism exhibited by all of the Welch Tennis employees who contributed to the realization of the Truscott Tennis Facility."
Scott - Parks Planner, City of Aspen Parks and Recreation Department, Aspen, Colorado
"I was particularly impressed by the services provided by Welch. George Todd Jr., the President, made numerous promises, guaranteed high standards and established tight deadlines for completion. Mr. Todd and his staff performed in a manner far above and beyond that which was expected. Promises were kept, standards exceeded and deadlines met. I would not hesitate to recommend the Har-Tru courts and the Welch team."
William - Director, City of Lake Mary, Parks and Recreation Department, Lake Mary, Florida
"Dear George, I would like to compliment you and your company on building us the nicest tennis center in the United States. In addition, you have successfully helped us quiet the apprehension of playing tennis on top of a garage! (18 rooftop courts). We have had 100% enthusiastic response to the HydroGrid courts. This positive response of our members and guests is a tribute to the Welch Tennis operation."
Erik - Director of Tennis, Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, Florida
(Regarding the same project) "Welch Tennis was responsible for the construction of Eighteen (18) Self Irrigated Clay Tennis Courts at the Boca Raton Resort & Club, on an elevated deck over a parking garage. This involved a very challenging waterproofing project. It is my opinion that Welch Tennis did an excellent job and provided the Owner with a tennis facility which has been said to be the finest in the country. Much of the credit for this goes to Mr. George Todd, Chairman of Welch Tennis, for executing the work in an extremely innovative and business like fashion of doing business. Mr. Todd was a joy to work with and handled his scheduling and contractual obligations without prompting. I would highly recommend Welch Tennis for any similar projects. You can be assured that you would have a very attentive and competent contractor in Welch Tennis."
John - Fluor Daniel, Project Manager, Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, Florida
"I first had the opportunity to work with Welch Tennis Courts when they constructed the 6 clay tennis courts at the Glenview Champions Country Club in The Villages. I was pleased with the quality of their work and their professional manner and invited them back to construct the 4 clay courts at Nancy Lopez Legacy Country Club. Both projects were completed in a timely manner and to high standards. I look forward to entering into future contracts with them and would recommend them without reservation."
Tom - Project Coordinator, McDonough Development Services, The Villages, Florida
"WOW, from dirt to three court tennis complex in 20 working days. We were amazed at the extraordinary teamwork and skilled workmanship that turned our dream into a reality. From all of us at Lake Como Club and especially the tennis committee, a big thanks to you, George Todd Jr., Dave Welch, Dave Fraley, Juan Rodriguez, and the rest of the Welch Tennis employees for a job well done. We will be looking forward to working with you again when you construct our next three courts. Hopefully that will be very soon."
Mike and Stephanie - Lake Como, Lutz, Florida
"Thank you all so much for the great seminar that you gave here at Bonita Bay. George, Tom and Dave, were to no surprise, fantastic in their area of expertise. I believe that everyone who attended received a lot of great information and knowledge to take back to their own clubs. Once again, a big thanks to everyone at Welch who made the day a great success."
The Bonita Bay Team at the Bonita Bay Club, Bonita Springs, Florida
"We would have no hesitation in suggesting that Welch Tennis Courts, Inc. be retained to construct tennis facilities for any potential client desiring a first-quality, on-budget job."
Arthur - President, Oldham Planning and Design Associates, Inc., Charlotte, NC
To Mr. George Todd Sr., and Mr. George Todd Jr., "We are pleased to provide this letter of recommendation for Welch Tennis Courts, Inc., based on our recent experience at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort. The Palm Court Ballroom and Parking Structure project included the construction of four (4) HydroGrid fast drying tennis courts on the elevated deck of the parking garage. Welch was responsible for the installation of the complete tennis court system including all related equipment, fencing, windscreen and lighting. Their work also included waterproofing of the entire structural concrete deck prior to placement of the tennis court system. Integral to the work performed was extensive coordination with the concrete, plumbing, electrical and aluminum canopy contractors for placement of all sleeves, embeds, and connections. Through the entirety of this extremely dynamic project, Welch Tennis met or exceeded every deadline and commitment with unfaltering professionalism. They were extremely diligent in their work and attentive to the complex details involved."
Chuck - Project Manager, W.G. Mills, General Contractors and Construction Managers - regarding the rooftop tennis courts - The Renaissance Vinoy Resort Hotel - St. Petersburg, Florida
"I wanted you to know how happy I am with the court you built for me at my house. It fits in beautifully with the landscape and it plays better than any court I have ever encountered. The clay is perfect and there is never a bad bounce! You were all a pleasure to deal with and I would recommend you to anyone I know. I have had many professional and amateur players on the court and its quality and beauty have blown them all away. The lighting package worked out great. We play at night often, and the lights are brighter than daylight! Thanks again. You have made my tennis life a joy. Attached is a picture I thought you might enjoy seeing. Best regards,
Robert - Private residence, New York
"We want to thank you for the excellent job you have done on the installation of the HydroGrid courts at our new tennis center. We not only appreciate your high quality workmanship but also your responsiveness to our many requests and questions. As a customer, we could not have asked for a better crew and we wanted you to know how much we appreciate the effort and skill you contributed to helping us build a World Class Tennis Center."
Jack - Marco Island YMCA, Florida
"Welch has lived up to their reputation as the best in the industry. It certainly pays to hire the best. The court is beautiful and we look forward to many hours of play."
Guenter - Private residence, Jupiter, Florida
"Mr. George Todd Jr. - I wanted to write you a brief note to congratulate you on the successful completion of the elementary school shade project. It was a pleasure to work with you and the members of your organization. I found everyone to be professional and cooperative; in particular, I enjoyed working with Glenn Reffuse. I would be pleased to recommend Welch Tennis Courts Inc. to others, and will look forward to working with you again in the future, should the opportunity present itself."
Michael - Office of the Director, Facilities Planning, Collier County, Florida
"Dear Mr. Todd, I want to convey to you what an excellent relationship existed between your company and the City in the construction of these courts. There were very few changes that were made, and they were handled in the most amiable manner. We also wish to convey that your supervisor, Mr. Dave Fraley, was as fine a construction manager as we have ever encountered in any of our construction projects here in the City."
F. Veltri - Mayor, City of Plantation, Florida
"As players from the ladies tennis teams, we want to express our appreciation and thanks for installing four clay courts. The courts have been used by the day time league as well as night leagues, youth programs and individuals. Not only are the courts well used, they are the only clay courts in the area that can be used immediately after a heavy rain. Our most recent January deluge is certainly proof of that. We are aware that there was much time, effort, research, and of course, money put into this project. The rewards are obvious. Thank you for fulfilling this need and this dream for the City of Palm Beach Gardens."
Kathy - Representing City Council Members, City of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.