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Borrowing the term "curb appeal" from the real estate industry and applying it to the tennis business is something we should take seriously and learn from.

Visiting tennis facilities in my daily travels I always try to be conscious of what first impression is projected by the facility to those who may enter. What message is the appearance of the entryway, landscaping, signs etc. sending?

Successful businesses that deal with the public are extremely aware of the importance of the "first impression." Whether we are selling court time, tennis lessons, merchandise, or memberships, we are all selling something. Your clientele and their perception of your facility's appearance is what starts the ball rolling; not to mention paying your bills.

Good tennis courts with the surface in top condition are important, but it is also the last thing a visitor experiences or observes.

I encourage you and your staff to take some time and go through the check list below for improving your facility's curb appeal.



  1. Windscreens
  2. Net & Centerstrap
  3. Fencing
  4. Canopies
  5. Coolers
  6. Trash Cans
  7. Benches & Seating
  8. Sidewalks & Walkways
  9. Staging Areas
  10. Landscaping
  11. Court Equipment & Teaching Aids
  12. Maintenance Equipment
  13. Message Board & Signage
  14. Umpire Chairs
  15. Lighting (Court & Landscape)





World Umpire Chair
Miracle Sweep Replacement Roller
center Strap
Ball Tubes
Love One Scoreboard

"Tennis Trivia"


Augie, a Golden Retriever, holds the Guinness World Record for most amount of regulation size tennis balls held in his mouth. How many is that?


Reply with the correct answer for a chance to win!

4501 U.S. Hwy 41 South Sun City, FL 33586
800-282-4415 - 813-641-7795(f)